How your labor-hire company can save up to 60 % recruitment time with PiipAi software?

Time-saving recruiting technology is crucial to any Labour Hire company. Tools are great to have and there are literally thousands of HR and business automation solutions available. However, having too many tools can actually waste more time than saving it and it can become too hard to pick out the trash from the treasure.

Recruiting workflow in Labour Hire companies is very dynamic, it requires precise management and, most importantly, a professional team. The Human Resources department constantly has to look for the right candidates and solve issues that current employees or clients have. The problem is, HR managers still have to fill documents manually and work on other administrative tasks, which actually can be done by computer. Meanwhile, HR professionals could spend more time on higher value priorities such as talking to candidates to assess their personalities, which anyhow can be completed by Artificial Intelligence and algorithms. The question is, which processes in recruitment are the most time-consuming, and how time can be saved?

One of the most promising automated recruitment functions is “Candidate Pool”. PiipAi software operates a huge database containing thousands of candidates’ profiles, which are already filled with such information as candidates’ skills test scores, work experience, availability to engage, location, etc. Once a profile is created it becomes a “Digital Footprint” and can be shared between previous and future employers who have access to the “Candidate Pool”. The most time-saving thing here is the elimination of the same questions asked over and over again every time the candidate applies for a new job. All the information is accessible to the recruiter already. This network helps both employees and employers. Employees have an opportunity to get noticed by many relevant companies and get suitable job offers. Meanwhile, employers save a tremendous amount of time by automating candidates’ resume screening, which is considered the most time-consuming part of recruiting.

Using employee data on previous performances, PiipAi software also allows comparing candidates against industry or skill benchmarks. Algorithms score each candidate, so hiring decisions can be made based on statistics avoiding human bias and saving time. Also, the system rates candidates’ “Reliability” and “Loyalty” factors by measuring repeated behavior. It lets to immediately reject not suitable candidates for a particular role and saves up to 60% of recruiting time.

Once a candidate is hired, there are still many ways to save time. PiipAi is an all-in-one solution, so it helps to reduce time consumed in the further human resource management process as well. Autofill functionality allows all employee shifts to be filled by computer automatically. So it doesn’t require a person to do it anymore, moreover, the system ensures that productivity won’t be affected if a worker is absent. In this case, PiipAi will contact the replacement, pass on all relevant information, and makes sure the candidate arrives at the job site. This is a common problem for blue-collar industries where staff turnover is relatively high. Another great time-saving feature is the “Pre-shift check”, which guarantees all workers arrive at work on time and identifies lateness or absenteeism. 

Those are just a few examples of how time can be saved by automated recruitment. The best part of it is that the quality of the Human Resources department remains the same or even gets higher, as automation reduces the chance of human error. According, to our survey and clients’ feedback, PiipAi helps to save 40-60% of recruiting time in Labour Hire companies. It varies depending on what functionalities the company use.

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