How absenteeism and lateness to work can be solved?

Absenteeism is voluntary non-attendance at work either by missing a full day of work, showing up late, taking too long breaks, or leaving early without a valid reason. One absent employee can make a huge negative impact on business.

How absenteeism and lateness are impacting business?

Imagine a truck driver missing a working day and failing to deliver an important shipment. What happens? Impacts can be huge:

  • It causes financial harm to the company
  • It takes time to replace an employee
  • It damages the company’s reputation

Frequent absenteeism also creates more problems by itself – from time spent by the HR team to find replacement staff to lost revenue.

Moreover, it can affect other staff members who are handed extra work which was meant to be completed by the absent colleague.

Modern business solution: pre-shift check and automatic replacement

A new modern solution can help to forestall absenteeism and lateness problems. Pre-shift check functionality, developed by PiipAi. It simply checks if workers are on their way to work. If the system records that an employee isn’t going to work it will automatically prompt the worker by notification or SMS and try to find out the actual circumstances and intention to attend.

If it seems there is no intention to attend work that day, PiipAi will take automation to another level and it will automatically re-assign the task/project to another person and arrange job details to be sent and confirmed until the replacement arrives at the job site.

This integrated business solution helps to plan daily work schedules in a much more advanced way and avoids unpleasant surprises. Companies using Pre-shift and Automatic reassignment functionalities, have many problems solved before it occurs instead of waiting until the shift starts and finding out that an employee is absent.

More ways to ensure the smooth workday

PiipAi Software Limited has also developed more features to have the most productive working day possible.

For example, Automatic candidate availability check lets easily check the availability of your candidates at any time. Mapping functionality helps to avoid problems by calculating the distance between the employee and the job site. Employers will always know if workers are where they should be during their shifts.

Find all PiipAi features here: PiipAi features

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