Case study: How PiipAi will help labor hire businesses to increase productivity and save time

More and more businesses are using Labour Hire services. It can help to find the right workers and allows to hire the most skilled professionals in a minute. Everything seems nice from the side of hiring business, but if you work in a Labour Hire industry, you know that helping companies find the best employees is challenging and requires knowledge. The good news, this process can be automated helping you to improve productivity, save time and achieve your goals faster.

Let’s take a look at how the hiring process works now. Currently, if the client is in need to hire a worker, he has to contact the staffing company, provide requirements and pass an order to the coordinator who will have to complete the hiring process by finding a suitable candidate. Behind the scene, the hiring manager will have to find potential workers, engage and negotiate with them and once a candidate is found, the formal part begins.

It’s quite a complicated process, especially for a hiring coordinator who never knows when and how fast a client might need an employee. In other words, up to now, a hiring manager had to be ready anytime. Up to now…

PiipAi software is a tool to automate the hiring process. How does it work? In the old-fashioned way, at least three persons were involved in this process – a client, a hiring manager (coordinator), and an employee. In a way, invented by PiipAi, a hiring manager is not needed in the hiring process anymore. The client can hire a worker and rise an order by himself using the PiipAi app. Order gets filled automatically ensuring you have enough people in your database. PiipAi will find a candidate with the required skill set to match the job requirements, contact the candidate to check availability, and pass on all job-related details.
This means less time-consuming negotiations with potential employees and more time for both client and the hiring manager.

PiipAi has benchmarked the rating framework ensuring candidates will get rated by the same standards not by “gut feeling”. This will ensure the consistency of services.

This hiring system is incredibly easy to use and effective. Be guaranteed that every single order will be taken and completed by finding the best employee for a client. It also supports an advanced candidate research function – it automatically picks the best matches according to candidates’ skills, job roles, location, and availability!

Want to see how PiipAi works? Try now for FREE

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